Set in a dystopian 1964, We Happy Few is was an indie breakout hit was developed by Compulsion Games and published by Gearbox Publishing in 2018.
Compulsion Games asked us to create a collector’s edition for We Happy Few to help raise awareness of the indie title and help build out its world amongst fans.
ServicesLimited Edition, Packaging, Figurines, Print Design
The ‘60s had an unmistakable impact on British style and design, so we created a groovy and colourful Time Capsule Collector’s Edition featuring real-life replicas of items and designs from the game.
The Time Capsule Collector’s Edition contained a sticker set, a fully-functional Uncle Jack alarm clock, a beautiful multicoloured swirl-design vinyl soundtrack, a sinister-looking ‘Bobby’ mask complete with stand, handbook detailing ‘HOW TO BE HAPPY’, a ‘YOU LOOK SMASHING’ plexi-sign lamp, strikingly scary propaganda posters, all in a vibrant collector’s edition box.
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