Developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Epic Games Publishing, Alan Wake II is the bone-chilling sequel to Alan Wake, released in 2010. Since its October 2023 launch, Alan Wake II has won high praise from critics and gamers alike.
We worked with Remedy Entertainment to create a social media campaign for the studio after Alan Wake II’s launch, to thank the community who have shown so much support to the IP for more than a decade.
ServicesVideo Editing, Social Media, Digital, Typography, Animation
Our social media campaign was a series of videos, featuring those who had worked behind the scenes on Alan Wake II – from directors to narrative designers, writers, artists, developers, animators and others – filming short pieces to camera thanking Alan Wake fans and the wider gaming community for trusting in them to bring their ideas and talents to such an anticipated title.
Once filmed, each video became part of a specially-designed Alan Wake II-themed 3D case board, with flash cards and Polaroid-style photos framing each ‘thank-you’ spot, and connecting them with red pins and string. TAKEOFF also provided scripting guidance to assist narrative flow and handled final edits, formats and designs.
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