Crown Wars: The Black Prince is a medieval strategy role-playing game. Developed by Artefacts Studio and published by Nacon, players are tasked with rising up against evil roaming forces and uniting the land under their banner.
Nacon asked us to create pre-launch trailers for Crown Wars: The Black Prince before its May 2024 launch. This ‘The Art of War’ trailer was created to give a full overview of the title’s story and gameplay mechanics whilst also encouraging audiences to pre-order.
ServicesMotion, Video Games, Trailer
Our ‘The Art of War’ trailer was created using our own in-game capture footage to create a rush build trailer showing audiences, in three short lessons, what it takes to rid the land of evil. From tactically planning the battle to claiming the high ground and taming chaos, each step outlines how players can master the battlefield and defeat enemy soldiers in all manner of brutal ways.
Each lesson in our trailer corresponds with our captured gameplay footage to give maximum impact, showing the rewards on offer to players for displaying their tactical nous. Alongside trailer creation we also provided our copywriting services for the title cards – our end slate encourages pre-orders of the game as a call to action and outlines other key information including available platforms.
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